Cloud-based Dental Imaging Software
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Advanced Imaging Capabilities for the Modern Practice & DSO

AI Integration
Native AI tool that provides FDA-cleared annotations for detecting conditions like carries, calculus, and periapical radiolucency. Color-coded displays help patient education and increase case acceptance.

Super Fast Workflows
From editing images to viewing reports, SOTA Cloud is snappy. Multi-modality capabilities allows you to capture using x-ray sensor, camera, video, or pan/ceph all within the same exam and add on the fly.

In-Depth Analytics
Save Time and Money with Smart Dental Imaging
- Ease of Use – Intuitive and easy for staff
- Native Integration with most x-ray sensors, intraoral cameras, and more
Access Anytime, Anywhere – Completely browser-based to capture and instantly view on any device with an internet connection - Reduced IT footprint and costs
- Patient and Provider Share – Securely send HIPAA-compliant images and information to patients and referrals

Built on Modern Technology

Limitless Scalability
SOTA Cloud can handle the demands of any size practice from solo to DSOs. Computing power and storage is limitless and scaling is instant.

Bulletproof Security

Offline Module
We Make Switching Easy

Expert Conversion Technicians
From converting databases to integrating all your existing software and devices, we make moving to SOTA Cloud seamless. Our team of experts have a deep understanding of the conversion process and assure your data is transitioned smoothly.

Implementation That Empowers You
Our team of remote implementation specialists are here to help you maximize the full potential of SOTA Cloud. We don’t just help you get up and running, we help you realize the full benefits of the features and functionality of SOTA Cloud.